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★   ★   ★

Ultra-High Sensitivity and Stability


​超高感度 / 高安定

★ 感度はドーパミン・セロトニンで30fg 以下
★ 革新的セルの設計・無脈動ポンプのシステム設計
★ 冷却器とヒーターによる温度制御システム
★ ECDの最適化されたアプリケーション


—Pngtree—confetti with realistic golden color_6398219.png

all in One



これにより流速が500μL/min を超える(カラムサイズが大きなもの)
※ 従来のモデルでは庫内に入れる事が出来なかったサイズの長い





を自動で行えるので一般的なHPLC のトラブル



ポンプ、ECD それぞれを時間制御でON/OFF



このTIMER 機能によってポンプやECD を効率





HTEC-600 からELS-500 を制御する事が可能







​ HTEC-600が得意とする物質

★ドーパミン ★DOPAC ★HVA ★3MT ★L-DOPA ★ノルエピネフリン  ★MHPG  ★ノルメタネフリン ★エピネフリン  
★セロトニン ★5-HIAA ★メラトニン  ★フェノール類  ★ アセチルコリン ★コリン ★ヒドロキシラジカル  ★アスコルビン酸
★トコフェロール  ★エストラジオール  ★8OH-dG ★ニトロチロシン ★GSH ( グルタチオン) ★GSSG ( グルタチオン) 
★アスパラギン酸 ★グルタミン酸 ★グルタミン ★グリシン  ★タウニン ★アラニン  ★GABA  など


Medium_web白黒 (1).jpg





方式            HPLC-ECD 法


検出方式          アンペロメトリック

印加電圧        0 ~ ±2,000 mV、1 mV step

作用電極方式      薄層式

作用電極種類      グラファイト( 標準)、ピュアグラファイト、

作用電極ガスケット   TFE 製 厚さ25 μm または50 μm

参照電極        銀/ 塩化銀 (塩化リチウム封入液絡式)

対極 (補助電極)     SUS316

接液部材質       PEEK、SUS316

記録計出力信号     ±10 V アナログ (0.1 nA = 1 mV)

時定数         1.0 sec、1.5 sec、3.0 sec

信号入力        SIGNAL IN: 接点信号300 msec 以上で検知
            M.INJECTOR SIGNAL IN:オープン/ クローズ信号
            切換えから300 sec で検知

外部機器制御信号    0 sec:信号入力検知と同時に接点信号 (1 sec) 出力
            3 sec:信号入力検知から3 秒後に接点信号 (1 sec) 出力
            6 sec:信号入力検知から6 秒後に接点信号 (1 sec) 出力


送液方式        直列ダブルプランジャー往復動方式

1 ストローク容量     80 μL

ピストン材質      サファイア

設定流量範囲       1 ~ 3000 μL/min

安定流量範囲      100 ~ 2000 μL/min

接液部材質        PEEK、サファイア、ルビー、PTFE、PCTFE

耐圧           20 MPa

脈流低減機構       自動脈流制御


方式           連続真空膜透過式

流路数          2 流路

内部容量         上段:約300 μL/ 流路

             下段:約7.5 mL/ 流路


方式            ペルチェ素子による加熱/ 冷却空気循環式

設定温度範囲        15 ~ 50℃ (1℃step)

温調精度           ±0.1℃

<全 体>***************************************************************************

寸法           290 W x 380 D x 435 H mm ( 突起部を含まず)

重量           23.2 kg

電源           AC 100 ~ 240 V 50/60 Hz 300 VA



-  Glucose infusion suppresses acute restraint stress-induced peripheral and central sympathetic responses in rats

-  Investigating the Influence of GABA Neurons on Dopamine Neurons in the Ventral Tegmental Area Using Optogenetic Techniques

-  The efficacy of duloxetine depends on spinal cholinergic plasticity in neuropathic pain model rats

-  Behavioral and neurochemical effects of novel N-Benzyl-2-phenylethylamine derivatives in adult zebrafish


-  Spike firing attenuation of serotonin neurons in learned helplessness rats is reversed by ketamine

-  l-Menthol increases extracellular dopamine and c-Fos-like immunoreactivity in the dorsal striatum, and promotes ambulatory activity in mice

-  P2X2 receptors supply extracellular choline as a substrate for acetylcholine synthesis

-  Reduction of acetylcholine in the hippocampus of hippocampal cholinergic neurostimulating peptide precursor protein knockout mice

-  The essential role of transcription factor Pitx3 in preventing mesodiencephalic dopaminergic neurodegeneration and maintaining neuronal subtype identities
    during aging

-  Ninjin'yoeito, a traditional Japanese medicine, increases dopamine content in PC12 cells

-  Preventative Effects of 1-Methyl-1,2,3,4- Tetrahydroisoquinoline Derivatives (N-Functional Group Loading) On MPTP-Induced Parkinsonism In Mice

-  Simultaneous serotonin and dopamine monitoring across timescales by rapid pulse voltammetry with partial least squares regression

-  A novel in vitro assay model developed to measure both extracellular and intracellular acetylcholine levels for screening cholinergic agents

-  Hormonal and Neurological Aspects of Dog Walking for Dog Owners and Pet Dogs

-  Ninjin’yoeito, a traditional Japanese medicine, increases dopamine content in PC12 cells

-  FFAR1/GPR40 Contributes to the Regulation of Striatal Monoamine Releases and Facilitation of Cocaine-Induced Locomotor Activity in Mice

-  α-Synuclein-induced dysregulation of neuronal activity contributes to murine dopamine neuron vulnerability

-  Modulation of behavioral and neurochemical responses of adult zebrafish by fluoxetine, eicosapentaenoic acid and lipopolysaccharide in the prolonged
   chronic unpredictable stress model

-  Genetic dissection identifies Necdin as a driver gene in a mouse model of paternal 15q duplications

-  Schizophrenia-Like Behavioral Impairments in Mice with Suppressed Expression of Piccolo in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex

-  Vitamin B6 deficiency hyperactivates the noradrenergic system, leading to social deficits and cognitive impairment

-  In Vivo Monitoring of Acetylcholine Release from Nerve Endings in Salivary Gland

-  The Effects of Acute Glucoprivation on Adrenomedullary Function in SHR and WKY Rats

-  Mice with mutations in Trpm1, a gene in the locus of 15q13.3 microdeletion syndrome, display pronounced hyperactivity and decreased anxiety-like behavior

-  Activation of the cardiac non-neuronal cholinergic system prevents the development of diabetes-associated cardiovascular complications

-  Dual actions of 5-MeO-DIPT at the serotonin transporter and serotonin 5-HT1A receptor in the mouse striatum and prefrontal cortex

-  Decreased content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the brain of knockout mouse models of Na+,K+-ATPase-related neurologic disorders

-  Essential role for autophagy protein VMP1 in maintaining neuronal homeostasis and preventing axonal degeneration

-  Non-neuronal cardiac acetylcholine system playing indispensable roles in cardiac homeostasis confers resiliency to the heart

-  Beta-blockade Prevents Coronary Macro and Microvascular Dysfunction Induced by a High Salt Diet and Insulin Resistance in the Goto-Kakizaki Rat

-  Selective inhibition of monoacylglycerol lipase is associated with passive coping behavior and attenuation of stress-induced dopamine release in the medial
    prefrontal cortex


-  Mice with Mutations in Trpm1, a Gene within the locus of 15q13.3 Microdeletion Syndrome, Display Pronounced Hyperactivity and Decreased AnxietyLike

-  Understanding complex dynamics of behavioral, neurochemical and transcriptomic changes induced by prolonged chronic unpredictable stress in zebrafish

-  Mice carrying a schizophrenia-associated mutation of the Arhgap10 gene are vulnerable to the effects of methamphetamine treatment on cognitive function:
  association with morphological abnormalities in striatal neurons

-  Noradrenaline enhances the excitatory effects of dopamine on medial prefrontal cortex pyramidal neurons in rats

-  Absence of methamphetamine‐induced conditioned place preference in weaver mutant mice

-  Monoamine and genome-wide DNA methylation investigation in behavioral addiction

-  Highly Efficient Conversion of Motor Neuron-Like NSC-34 Cells into Functional Motor Neurons by Prostaglandin E2

-  Monoamine and genome-wide DNA methylation investigation in behavioral addiction

-  Gamma oryzanol impairs alcohol-induced anxiety-like behavior in mice via upregulation of central monoamines associated with Bdnf and Il-1β signaling

-  Participation of the nucleus accumbens dopaminergic system in the antidepressant-like actions of a diet rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

-  Early weaning augments the spontaneous release of dopamine in the amygdala but not the prefrontal cortex: An in vivo microdialysis study of male rats

-  VGLUT2-expressing neurons in the vestibular nuclear complex mediate gravitational stress-induced hypothermia in mice

-  Brain Angiopathy and Impaired Glucose Metabolism in Model Mice with Psychiatric-Related Phenotypes

-  Tyr-Trp administration facilitates brain norepinephrine metabolism and ameliorates a short-term memory deficit in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

-  Twelve-Month Studies on Perilla Oil Intake in Japanese Adults—Possible Supplement for Mental Health​

-  The Effect of Stressor Controllability on Social Hedonic Preference in Laboratory Rats

-  Gamma Oryzanol Alleviates High-Fat Diet-Induced Anxiety-Like Behaviors Through Downregulation of Dopamine and Inflammation in the Amygdala of Mice

-  Direct visualization of an antidepressant analog using surface-enhanced Raman scattering in the brain

-  Prolyl-hydroxyproline, a collagen-derived dipeptide, enhances hippocampal cell proliferation, which leads to antidepressant-like effects in mice

-  Protein Deficiency-Induced Behavioral Abnormalities and Neurotransmitter Loss in Aged Mice Are Ameliorated by Essential Amino Acids

-  Angiopathy with impaired glucose logistics observed in schizophrenia-like model mice

-  Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 5 Provides Olfactory Input Into Limbic Brain Areas and Modulates Emotional Behaviors and Serotonin Transmission

-  Activation of mGluR5 and NMDA Receptor Pathways in the Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla as a Central Mechanism for Methamphetamine-Induced Pressor
   Effect in Rats


-  (R)-Ketamine Induces a Greater Increase in Prefrontal 5-HT Release Than (S)-Ketamine and Ketamine Metabolites via an AMPA Receptor-Independent

-  Kappa Opioid Receptors Drive a Tonic Aversive Component of Chronic Pain

-  Parkinson’s disease recovery by GM1 oligosaccharide treatment in the B4galnt1+/− mouse model

-  Hyperreflexia induced by XLR-11 smoke is caused by the pyrolytic degradant


-  Thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide promotes voluntary activity through dopaminergic activation in the medial prefrontal cortex

-  Effects of Memantine on Nitric Oxide Production and Hydroxyl Radical Metabolism during Cerebral Ischemia and Reperfusion in Mice


-  Overexpression of transmembrane protein 168 in the mouse nucleus accumbens induces anxiety and sensorimotor gating deficit

-  Prenatal nicotine exposure decreases the release of dopamine in the medial frontal cortex and induces atomoxetine-responsive neurobehavioral deficits in mice


-  The Role of Spinal Dopaminergic Transmission in the Analgesic Effect of Nefopam on Rat Inflammatory Pain

-  Abuse-Related Neurochemical Effects of Para-Substituted Methcathinone Analogs in Rats: Microdialysis Studies of Nucleus Accumbens Dopamine and

-  Novel psychoactive benzofurans strongly increase extracellular serotonin level in mouse corpus striatum

-  Sex Differences in Abuse-Related Neurochemical and Behavioral Effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Rats

-  Brain regions and monoaminergic neurotransmitters that are involved in mouse ambulatory activity promoted by bupropion


-  Injection of corticotropin-releasing hormone into the amygdala aggravates visceral nociception and induces noradrenaline release in rats


-  Pregerminated Brown Rice Enhanced NMDA Receptor/CaMKIIα Signaling in the Frontal Cortex of Mice 
-  Monitoring Serotonin: Why Faster is Better


-  Physiologically Relevant Changes in Serotonin Resolved by Fast Microdialysis

-  Pain-Related Depression of the Mesolimbic Dopamine System in Rats: Expression, Blockade by Analgesics, and Role of Endogenous κ-opioids

-  Symmetrical Serotonin Release during Asymmetrical Slow-Wave Sleep: Implications for the Neurochemistry of Sleep–Waking States


-  Oral administration of glycine increases extracellular serotonin but not dopamine in the prefrontal cortex of rats


-  GABAergic transmission in the rat ventral pallidum mediates a saccharin palatability shift in conditioned taste aversion


-  Cortical Acetylcholine Release Is Lateralized during Asymmetrical Slow-Wave Sleep in Northern Fur Seals

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